Use the stats functionality

1)     Log in to your account, access the main menu and go to the “My stats” tab

2)     You can then access certain statistics concerning your reservations or the number of views of your professional page, for example.

3)     You can filter by month or the entire year

4)     A first functionality allows you to see the number of deals that have been made as well as the number of new contacts over the year or over a month

5)     A second functionality allows you to see the forecast turnover as well as the actual turnover achieved over a month or over the entire year

6)     Finally, the third feature allows you to see the total number of views of internships or your professional page over a month or over the entire year

The “Stats” functionality is a major asset for any professional wishing to optimize the management of their internships and maximize their impact. By tracking your performance through accurate data and using the different filters available, you can identify trends, adjust your strategies and improve your offer. Don’t hesitate to explore all the possibilities offered by this tool to boost your activity and achieve your goals.