Use the reservation manager

The reservation manager is an essential tool to optimize the management of your internships and simplify your administrative tasks. With this manager, you can easily confirm payments, access invoices and save time by contacting all your internship participants via an integrated calendar. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to effectively use the Reservation Manager to improve your organization and provide a better experience for your trainees.


o    Access the Reservation Manager:


    • Log in to your professional account on our platform
    • Go to the main menu and select "Reservation Management"


o    Confirm Internship Payment:


    • In the reservation manager, you will see the list of reservations for your courses
    • Then click on the eye icon at the reservation level and check the “Paid” box to validate the payment for the course
    • Once payment is confirmed, the booking status will be updated


o    Access Invoices:


    • Still in the reservation manager, select the reservation for which you want to access the invoice
    • Click on the “Invoices” icon to access the invoice in question
    • You can download invoices in PDF format or print them directly


o    Manage Participants via the Calendar:


    • You also have access to a calendar tool that allows you to view all reservations at a glance
    • Click on "Calendar" in the main menu to see the dates and times of the courses as well as the registered participants
    • To contact all participants of a course, select the course in the calendar and click on "Send a message to participants"
    • Write your message and send it to all participants simultaneously
    • You can also simply contact one of the interns by clicking on the “message” icon next to their name