Add a description and detailed schedule

Add a description and detailed schedule

A detailed description of your internship offer is essential to attract the attention of potential participants and give them an overview of your stay. Be as complete as possible and precisely describe the framework and objectives as well as the progress of each day of the internship.


Example :


Description :


Immerse yourself in an immersive week of development in tennis and padel, supervised by professional coaches in an idyllic setting. This intensive course is aimed at all levels, offering personalized sessions, improved game tactics, and competitive matches. Between training sessions, relax in our high-end facilities, including swimming pool and spa. Theoretical workshops will complete your training for an in-depth understanding of game strategies. A unique experience to combine passion, learning and relaxation.




Day 1: reception and assessment


Morning: Welcome of participants, presentation of the program and tour of the facilities. Tennis and padel skills assessment session to personalize training.


Afternoon: First technical tennis training session, focus on fundamentals.


Evening: Welcome dinner and presentation of the week’s objectives.


Day 2: fundamental techniques and physical conditioning


Morning: Technical padel training, including basic strokes and placements.


Afternoon: Physical conditioning session specific to racket sports, followed by a recovery session (yoga/stretching).


Evening: Workshop on sports nutrition.


Tutorial :

1)       Log in to your account and go to “Create an internship”

2)       After selecting your presentation photos and videos, go to the “Details” section

3)      Add all the necessary information about the stay: the program, times, activities. The objective is to make future interns want to have as much information as possible about your internship.

4)      In the “planning” section, you have the possibility to detail the progress of each day in more detail.

5)    Then add any other activities then what you offer in terms of logistical services included in the stay (accommodation, transport, meals, etc.)

6)     You can then continue creating your internship offer or save this information for later