Use templates

Communicating effectively about your courses is essential to attracting new participants and keeping your current clients engaged. Using our templates for your communication materials allows you to save time, guarantee visual consistency and maximize your reach across different channels. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use these templates to create attractive posters adapted to various communication media, whether on social networks, your website or other platforms.


Why Use Templates:


  • Communicate better: Templates help you use the appropriate formats depending on where you want to communicate. Each platform has its specificities and requirements in terms of format and dimensions, and the templates are designed to meet these needs.


  • Communicate more effectively: By using templates, you can communicate more frequently without spending too much time. The templates are pre-designed and customizable, allowing you to quickly create multiple posters suitable for different platforms.


How to Use the Templates:


    • Log in to your account and go to “Internship management” in the menu
    • Select the course for which you wish to edit templates and click on “View templates”
    • Browse the different templates available and select the one that best suits your needs
    • Add the specific details of your internship: name of the internship, sponsors...
    • Insert your own images or use those provided
    • Check that the format is suitable for the platform where you are going to publish and once personalized, download the finalized template
    • Publish it on social networks, your website or any other communication medium.