How to warm up properly for badminton?

Conseils et astuces Published on 09/03/2025

Badminton is a demanding sport and as in any sport, it is beneficial to warm up before starting a training session or a match. Is there a perfect workout? Of course not, however, we can target exercises according to the muscles we are going to use.

General warm-up: activating the body

Step 1, we will warm up the body in general the goal here is to increase the temperature little by little to prepare for the effort while increasing our blood circulation. This step should only get you in the mood, plan on about 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Light running: jogging around the field.

  • Jumping on the spot: skipping rope or small dynamic jumps.

  • Joint movements: rotations of the wrists, shoulders, knees and ankles.

Specific warm-up: preparing badminton movements

Step 2, now that the body is warmed up, we can focus on the muscles and joints that we will use the most in order to prepare them to withstand the effort. In the case of badminton, we therefore focus on the legs , ankles , shoulders , arms , wrists and we do not forget the abdominals and lower back . These exercises must be done with moderate intensity !

  • Front and side lunges : to wake up the legs and improve balance.

  • Quick movements : small side steps and crossed steps to simulate movement on the ground.

  • Gestures with a racket : forehands, backhands, drop shots and smashes.

Dynamic stretching: gain flexibility

Step 3, stretching should be active and performed smoothly . We will work on the elasticity of the muscle without over-stressing it, because we do not want to damage it. The point is to subsequently have optimal muscle responsiveness and fluid movements .

  • Leg swings : forward/backward and sideways.

  • Trunk rotations : to loosen the hips and back.

  • Arm extensions : with or without a racket to make movements more fluid.

Scenario: End with exchanges

To finish the warm-up, there is nothing better than a few moderate-intensity exchanges with a partner. This allows you to finalize your preparation and be fully ready for the match.

A good warm-up lasts on average 15 minutes depending on the exercises you choose to do. and should be adapted to your level and needs. Don't neglect it to optimize your performance and avoid injuries!


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